
Wah Yen Eating House: So shiok how come nobody copy?

I am always puzzled whenever I come across something simple and satisfying which nobody else tries to copy. You know, Singapore is a nation of copy cats. No sooner did Roti Boy become a big success that we see the rest of the Roti family (Mama, Papa, uncle, aunties) all appear across the island. Then there was Donut Factory which started the whole Donut craze. But you know, there are many people sitting down to eat the crispy toasted French Loaf with Kaya and butter at this coffeeshop and yet no one else tries to copy them.

Our local “French Loaf” which we often use to make Roti John and eat with Curry might be passe, but hey it is actually quite shiok if you simply toast it till its super crispy and slap on some butter and kaya. This really doesn’t take much skill or knowledge. Even the kaya is not homemade. Yet they have a winning formula which puts a serving on almost every table in the coffeeshop. I found the crispy crust of the French Toast contrasted with the cold creamy butter to be highly satisfying. Too bad they don’t have homemade kaya. 4.25/5

Now, the crispy French Loaf is very impressive, but the real winner is the Kopi here. Unlike the French Loaf, you would not be immediately taken by the humble unmarked cup on the red melamine saucer. But have a sip of the Kopi and you suddenly realise that this is a real gem. It’s smooth, milky and full of that Kopi oommph. Not for someone who like their kopi bitter and acidic but if you enjoy those Japanese milk coffees that comes in the cans, you will really like this. 4.5/5


So, know anywhere else that sells French Loaf Kaya Toast? The French Loaf is a real novelty but it is the unassuming Kopi here that will really surprise you.

What to do next:

We tarpaued this fried rice which was excellent around the corner. Link here
Right opposite is where you can get a bowl of excellent Mee Siam. Link here
Famous Bak Kut Teh just down the road. Link here
Want to try the Roti Prata which can be used as a frisbee? Link here

Update 27 Feb 2014
The New name and address of the shop is Sen Yen Traditional Charcoal Toast, Blk 24 Sin Ming Road, Stall 3. S570024. Open 7am to 9pm.

Update: 17 Mar 2009

There has been some discussion in our comments about who the coffee is made by, so I decided to post this photo of the lady who was making the very nice cup of kopi I had that day. Another point to note, you should order the small cup with the saucer, not the bigger glass cups. The Kopi does seem to taste better in the traditional cups.

Wah Yen Eating House

Blk 24 Sin Ming Road #01-01 Singapore 570023

Opening hours:

7:30 AM to 12:30 AM

Other Info

No more bread after 8pm

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