
Astons: The ieat Ultimate SuperBurger!

Ieat Superburger

Time flies! It’s been 6 years since I sat down with Astons in his then brand new stall at East Coast Road to craft my dream burger with a wonderful hand chopped burger pattie, bacon and onion frost which is above all, sold at a very affordable at $12.50.

I wonder how many readers here actually read the original post I wrote on 23 Aug 2006? That was when Aston made the very first burger to my specifications. I called it the Astons Supershiokburger then. Wow, looking at the post now, I realize just how much my photos have improved over the years! Back then, I was using a Canon G1 camera. It was the first digital camera I bought after my Canon 50 film camera.

Photo from Sep 2006 blog post: Astons Super Burger is on the Menu!
Photo from Sep 2006 blog post: Astons Super Burger is on the Menu!

By the time Astons announced that he was putting my burger on the menu in Sep 2006, I had upgraded to my first DSLR, a Canon 350D which I bought second hand and my photos started to get better!

Fast forward 6 years and Astons is now a Western Food Tycoon with restaurants all over the island! Amazingly, the ieat Superburger has only gone up by $1.40 and is now selling at $13.90 nett. There are of course lots of gourmet burgers in the market now, but they are usually twice the price. So for a sub $15 burger, the ieat Superburger is still the one to beat!

Every year Aston has supported my charity drive and this year he will be setting up his stall at our Ultimate Hawker Fest to serve the Ieat Ultimate Superburger! To pay homage to the ieat Superburger, we have decided to keep all the ingredients the same except for one very big change. Astons will be specially preparing a patty using Wagyu Chuck. This is a different Wagyu Patty that he currently serves at his restaurant. The Wagyu patty will be big and juicy and we will be selling it at a very special price of $25 at the festival which is a bargain for a Wagyu burger of this quality! So if you are a burger and beer kinda guy (or gal), do come down, grab and burger and a beer and enjoy the live music and atmosphere of the Ulimate Hawker Fest!

To buy tickets to the Ultimate Hawker Fest, please visit
Tickets are also on sale at the festival!

Venue: Millenia Walk
Date: 20 Oct 2012
Time: 5pm to 10pm

Thanks to Aston for his donation to Touch Community Services!

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