
Yong He Eating House: Taiwanese Snacks 24 hours a Day

Feeling peckish in the middle of the night and not wanting to eat something too rich that would give you a glutton’s hangover the next day? Well this might be the thing for you.

Situated in the middle of all the action at Geylang is this 24 hour place selling Tau Huay and You Char Kway. The Tau Hway may not be as smooth as Rochor Tau Hway over the other side of Geylang, but this stall does offer a few interesting and less common Taiwanese style snacks.

One is the the Omelette “Biskuit” which is a light pastry (like Pong Piah) cut open with egg omelette and pork floss in it. Not particularly die die must try, but light and satisfying when eaten together with Tau Huay. 3.5/5

Another is the You Char Kway with Pork Floss wrapped in Glutinous Rice. Some foods you can imagine the taste by what you see. This is one of them. Yes it tastes like You Char Kway and Pork Floss and Glutinous rice. Again light and satisfying. 3.5/5


More comfort food than shiok food. It is the sort of stuff you eat to feel comfortable in the tummy. This stall has been around for 20 years before the current wave of new Taiwanese eateries in Singapore offering street food and the menu is a bit of a hodge podge of Taiwanese and current favourites like Xiao Long Bao and Tea Eggs.

Yong He Eating House

239-241 Geylang Road

Opening hours:

12:00 AM to 12:00 AM



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