
Wasting Your Calories

The studies have shown us that you can live longer if you reduce your calorie intake. In fact this is just what our MM is doing currently.

The reasons are obvious or so it seems. By eating less, you prevent obesity which leads to chronic diseases and therefore your chances of living longer improves. If you look at the obituaries, you will notice that the ones that live pass 80 are mainly thin people. Many theories abound to try to explain this phenomena. I have a simple theory of my own.

The Conservation of Calories Theory

This theory states that the amount of calories per person’s lifetime is constant and limited.

Just imagine that God had created us with a limited number of calories we can consume in our lifetime. The average number of calories for a child of 6 is 1800/day, for an adult is 2500/day and for the elderly is 1800/day. So a rough calculation tells us that in an average lifetime, a human being would consume 63.5 million calories. Now if you want to spend all your calories early in life, you might just run out of calories and die young. On the other hand you can conserve your calories and live longer.

For me, an average lifespan is good enough. So what I do is, I try not to eat unneccessary calories. What I mean by unncessary calories is food that just fills you up but tastes yuckky. Remember that since you have limited calories to spend, you might as well spend it on food that tastes good. DON’T WASTE YOUR CALORIES on a plate of unremarkable Char Kway Teow. No, you should save up your calories for that juicy US Prime Rib steak at the end of the week.

If you can think about your calories like how you plan your finances, then you would be in a better state of health. Just as in finances, the advise is not to spend what you do not have, save all you can and invest for the future. Do likewise for your health. If during the week, you have replaced 3 lousy meals for healthy salads and fruits, then you have actually saved some calories to spend on your steak. By saving calories this way, you will be investing in a better and longer future.

Makes sense doesn’t it?

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