
The 1 Million kg Challenge: The Journey of a Million kg starts with….


For those of you who haven’t been following, here is the quick recap of the #1mkg blogger challenge. These three guys made a bet to see who can get the most people to sign up for HPB’s 1 Million Kg challenge. So far mrbrown is ahead with DanielFoodDiary hot on his heels and Mr Miyagi lagging in third place. At the end of the challenge, the loser will have to do a forfeit which involves donning a pair of leotards and have his photo taken while in some compromising contortion.

Now, you are probably wondering why HPB would go to the extent of organizing the 1 Million kg campaign and getting the four of us to help spread the message? Well, the simple answer is that the obesity levels in our society is an increasing health problem and we need to get Singaporeans to do something about it.

Everyone knows that being overweight is not healthy. But in our developed society where food is in abundance and most people lead very sedentary lifestyles, increasing obesity levels is inevitable. Obesity is a risk factor for lots of chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, strokes etc etc. Most people believe it, but not enough to actually do something about it.

I am sure that some of you have already signed up for the 1 Million kg challenge. For the others who haven’t, there are probably a few reasons for not doing so.

Here are some which I can think of:

1. Denial – I am only slightly overweight. All these chronic illnesses will not happen to me!

2. Procrastination – Yeah I’ll start my weight loss program next year!

3. Pessimism – There is no way I will be able to lose 20kg to be in the correct weight range! Might as well give up now!

4. Cynicism – Aiyah, it’s just another gimmick, I don’t want to get involved!

5. Indifference – Losing weight is good! Yeah… Good!

6. Pacifism. You can lose weight, I can don’t lose weight. We don’t have to impose our views on each other right? Everyone live together in peace and harmony!

7. Fatalism – Look, I am born this way, OK?!

I spoke to the CEO of HPB last weekend and he also acknowledges that weight loss is difficult for most people. The whole purpose for the campaign is to get people to start thinking about the problem and take baby steps to do something about it. They are realistic enough to know that you will not be able to get someone to give up Char Kway Teow overnight. But if you can get them to reduce the frequency of intake by one plate a month, then that is one positive baby step.

Here are some other baby steps you can take:

1. If you need to visit your colleague downstairs, use the stairs instead of taking the lift.

2. Start ordering Kopi Siu Dai instead of Kopi.

3. Turn off your devices/TV an hour earlier and go to sleep.

4. Instead of ordering your usual Chendol or Ice Kachang after a meal, order a fresh coconut instead.

5. Replace your sweetened canned drink with sparkling mineral water instead.

6. Start enjoying freshly cut fruits and progressively use them to replace desserts after a meal.

7. Sit down this evening and list down other baby steps you can take to create a calorie deficit in your everyday routine!

8. Sign up for the 1 Million kg Challenge and have a look at other resources that are available!

It is said that the best time to plant an Oak Tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now! So, start doing something about your weight today!

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