
The 1 Million kg Challenge: Some personal tips #1mkg


One of the most common questions that I get asked is how I keep myself slim despite all the feasting!

Well, today I will let you in on the SECRET to eating all the food you want and not getting fat.

You DON’T.

There really is no big secret to keeping yourself healthy. There is no shortcut. There is no easy way.

For many will choose to enter by the wide gate and take the easy path, eating all they want with no self control, not exercising and not looking after their mental and spiritual health.

If you want a healthier life, you need to enter by the narrow gate and take the difficult path. You need to decide to control what you eat, exercise and look after your mental health.

Since when is anything worth doing, easy?

Let me share with you a few things that I do:

1. Limit my food intake so that I only eat till I am 3/4 full.

2. Eat more vegetables and fruits and less meat. Every morning I take my five green juice – celery, baby bittergourd, Japanese cucumber, green apples, green capsicum and a bowl of oats (to lower cholesterol) and cup of black tea with no sugar. Lunch I eat the good stuff but I control the amount so I don’t overeat. Dinner is a big bowl of fruits (at least 3 different types), small amt of rice and some dishes.

3. Eat less processed foods. Yes, even cereals especially those that are designed for kids. They usually contain too much sugar and other chemicals. I try to eat more natural, unprocessed foods.

4. Cut down on sugar in your beverages. Go for Teh O, Kopi O, mineral water. Avoid even fruit juices unless they have no added sugar. Cut down on desserts and go for fresh fruits instead.

5. I exercise for 1/2 an hour every morning except Sundays. That means I put in 180 mins of exercise a week (recommended is 150mins). I just do a run and a few push ups and sit ups till I work up a sweat.

6. I meditate and find time to be quiet. We live in a world where we are bombarded with information from the time we are awake until we fall asleep. Whenever you have a few minutes to spare, what do you do? You bombard yourself with info from your smartphone or turn on the TV right? Try taking some time off to be quiet. Find a place where you can close your eyes and just be quiet for a while. You will find that it is difficult to do as your mind races to find things to occupy it. Find poetry or phrases which are comforting to you and meditate on it.

Now, you might feel a little intimidated by all these things, but let me encourage you that I slowly incorporated these into my lifestyle over a few years! So, pick one which you think you can do and start practicing it. Once it is a part of your lifestyle, then pick another one. Start getting interested about keeping yourself in good health. Read and learn more about it. One good way is to join the 1 Million kg challenge! You get access to resources which will help you start on a healthier lifestyle! Make a commitment to yourself to lose a few kilos, not only are you doing yourself good, you might find that you are driving a brand new Suzuki Swift in a few months time!

Sign up for the 1 Million kg challenge today!

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