
Hovid New Website: Buy your Nutritional Supplements online!


The last time I had my cholesterol levels done, I found that my triglycerides were a little elevated. So I started taking Omega 3 fish oils which have been scientifically proven to lower triglyceride levels. Although triglycerides have not been shown to be a risk factor for cardiac disease, it is still prudent to keep the levels low as high levels may lead to other problems such as pancreatitis.

Nutritional supplements are useful to keep one in optimum health. It is true that you are what you eat. So for foodies who love to eat all the yummy hawker fare, it is good sometimes to stop and do a stocktake. Of course, the best way is to keep to a good balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. However, sometimes it is hard to adhere to a strict diet, so that’s where supplements can sometimes play a role. Personally, I don’t get to eat a lot of fish, so a supplement of Omega 3 fish oil capsules is a convenient way to ensure that I take something useful to maintain my health.

Another useful supplement is glucosamine which has been proven to help people who have joint pains due to osteoarthritis. Glucosamine is a component of cartilage (soft bones) and medical professionals routinely prescribe it to patients suffering from degenerative joint problems.

You may also know of the benefits of Vit E as an antioxidant and its use in cosmetic products. Some research has also shown that a form of Vit E called tocotrienols are more potent in their antioxidant, cardioprotective and anti cancer effects than normal Vit E (tocopherols). Proponents of Anti-aging medicine advocate that anyone above the age of 40 should consider taking a daily supplement of tocotrienols to maintain a healthy heart as well as to prevent cancer.

These useful supplements are widely available in pharmacies. But, for those who prefer the convenience of buying your supplements online, you might like to check out Hovid is an established pharmaceutical company which operates their cGMP compliant manufacturing plant in Malaysia. In fact, I do order some of my generic drugs in the clinic from them, so it is a familiar brand name to professionals in the healthcare industry. Hovid also holds the patent on extraction of tocotrienols from palm oil and operates the largest integrated plant in the world for the extraction of this phytonutrient. Their tocotrienol products are also available for sale online under the brand name Tocovid.

The website is quite easy to navigate. It is very much like most online shopping sites. The items all come with a picture and price tag. Click on the tab to add to your shopping cart and then check out at the end. They charge $10 for delivery in Singapore so it makes sense to order in bulk. Few items that I checked out was Omega 3 and glucosamine.

So if you are an armchair shopper looking for some health supplements, you might like to check out their new website at:

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