
Give me a High Pie!

Once in a while, one is pleasantly surprised to discover something yummy purely by chance.

This happened to me while walking along Joo Chiat yesterday. What caught my eye was this really fluffy and tempting chicken pie. See for yourself!

Tempting? Not tempting… very tempting. Even though I was full after lunch, the sight of the pie and the buttery fragrance of freshly baked puff pastry was totally irresistable. I was drawn in like a mosquito to the blue light.

It tastes as good as it looks. The crust is buttery and crispy and not oily. Unlike other pies which turn up soggy and drenched in butter, this one remained crisp and light with minimum oil stain on the brown paper bag. The filling was a generous mix of chucky chicken pieces, button mushrooms, carrots and potatoes reminicent of the old style chicken pies which I had when I was a child. Ah Nostalgia.

I casually asked them if they have beef pie which they flatly answered “No!” I could read what was in their head: “You can’t read our sign? It says Boulevard CHICKEN pie!”

“Oh, so you only sell chicken pies?” thought I, “In that case, can I have a BEEF Chicken pie?”

Blank stares.

Now if you can believe it, the one in the picture is the small one which costs $1.50. They have 3 sizes. I wonder what the large one looks like.


Go try it, especially when it is fresh from the oven. My only complaint is that they don’t have a Beef Chicken Pie.


Boulevard Chicken Pie

442 Joo Chiat Road
Singapore 427655

Opening hours:


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