
R K House: Tasty, Buttery Prata!

With Tag Tag, iwatch_ueat and carnineviand

So this is the famous RK House Prata which does not sell any pork since they are a Halal restaurant. Those who don’t know what it is all about can click here.

But anyway, I did not want to cause any problems so I ordered my usual “Double Dough Prata stretched thin and made thick and fluffy” Of course, that is the paraphrased version, I had to describe my request with my best Indian accent together with head rocking and animated hand motions!

When the prata arrived, it was not thick and fluffy as I would like it to be BUT boy it was tasty. The dough is crisp on the outside, soft and stretchy on the inside and it leaves a nice buttery, sweet taste at the back of your throat. Mmmmm lovely. People who take their prata with egg may miss the subtle flavour of the prata dough that can only be fully appreciated if you order the prata kosong (plain). 4.25/5


There is a lot of potential for this place to produce the ultimate Roti Prata. The dough has got a the right taste and texture. It remains for the prata man to really stretch it thin and really make it thick and fluffy. For those who love curry, you might be better off ordering the special curries rather then settling for the standard curry accompanying the prata. I am certainly planning to go back again to have another go at the ultimate prata soon.

Update: 3 Jan 2009

I was back at RK yesterday and I am sorry to report that they have now started to outsource the dough and the Prata has lost that buttery taste! It now taste like just another ordinary prata shop. 3.5/5

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