As is our tradition, each year we want to use this opportunity to give something back to our community. This year we have decided to again partner the Prisons Ministry of Touch Community Services. I am sure that you all know about the Yellow Ribbon Project and I have have written about Seetoh from 18 Chefs as well as Eric from Wow Wow West before.
Last year we contributed $8844 to the prisons ministry during our 2nd Anniversary makan session. The money was used to buy Christmas presents, textbooks, stationary and provide transport for the kids to get to school. But in order to give the kids a stable future, they need their parents to be working rather than in prison. This is where the prisons ministry comes in. They start their work even before they are released by forming positive relationships with them so that when they finally get released, they have a network which can help them reintegrate back to society.
I met with Andrew (not his real name) who is now 29 years old and one of the beneficiaries of the ministry. Andrew had spent almost half his life in and out of prison for housebreaking, drugs, loan sharking and various gangster activities. Each time he got out, he went back to his meet up with his old network of friends and soon found himself back in prison again. This cycle would have gone on and on if not for the workers of the Prisons Ministry who met him in prison and became his friends. Three years ago, he was released, but this time thing are different. He had a new found faith and a whole network of new friends who helped him join a church group and stay out of trouble. Now he is the proud owner of four handphone shops and had recently became the father of a beautiful baby girl.
Thankfully for Andrew, there are people who cared enough to volunteer their time to help rescue him from a life of crime. So, I applaud Pastor Stephen and his team of workers (some of the pastors were ex-cons themselves) who work tirelessly to bring hope to those that society often ostracize. I hope that our ieat community can do our part to contribute to their work amongst the inmates.
Here are the details for the AGM:
Date: 18 Dec 2009
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Roland Restaurant, Marine Parade Multistorey Carpark, Level 6
Price: $50
Closing date: 9 Dec 2009
1. You Tiao and crispy baby squid combination starter
2. Fish Maw Soup with prawn meat
3. Tao You Prawn
4. Steamed Patin fish with special sauce
5 Signature Tau Hoo with salted egg and prawns
6. Original Chilli Crabs ala 1950’s
7. Ee Foo Noodles
8 Orh Nee with Pumpkin
This menu includes the original Chilli Crab invented by Roland’s mother 50 years ago as well as the original deep fried baby squid and you char kway which also have their origins at their restaurant. This menu is priced at $450 per table as we are getting quality stuff like large Sri Lankan Crabs and white Patin fish. However, Roland will only be charging $250 per table and donate the rest to charity. So for the $50 you give, you are getting $45 worth of food and contributing $25 to charity!
We will also be doing an auction as in previous years to raise some more money. So we are now looking for sponsors for items for the auction. We are also looking for sponsors for door gifts and other items which we can use for prizes.
How to register:
1. Write to [email protected] and in the title write “ieat AGM”. In the first line write your Name, Nickname, HP number and No. of Pax.
2. Next, send your cheque addressed to “ieatishootipost” to:
C/O Karri Family Clinic
866A Tampines St 83,
Singapore 521866
On the back of the cheque write your Name, Hp number and number of pax. If you are contributing extra for charity, please let us know. Your seats will only be confirmed once the cheque is cleared.
The closing date for registration is 9th Dec or when all the seats are taken up.
3. If you do not wish to send a cheque, you can make cash payment on 12 December. We will arrange to meet you at Nanyang Cafe at Chinatown point. However, we do encourage everyone to pay by cheque as it would make it easier for us to organize. (We won’t be doing this anymore. If you prefer not to pay by cheque, just write in and let Greg know. He will make special arrangements for you)
4. If you can’t come but still wish to contribute to the ministry, please write a cheque addressed to “FCBC” and behind the cheque write “Prisons Ministry” and send it to the above address.
5. If you or your compnay would like to contribute something to the auction or to the event in general, please write to [email protected]. We will acknowledge all our sponsors.
Order ieatshootipost T Shirts
We will be printing updated ieatishootipost T shirts for the event. If you wish to buy the T shirt, please let us know your size and whether you are male or female. The T shirt will be an updated version of the current one. It will be made of black dry fit material and feature the new ieatishootipost logo. Very useful to wear when going to eat at places that are in the blog! I will post the new logo up when it is finalized.
To order your T Shirt, write to [email protected]
In the Subject write: T Shirt
Let us know Sex and Size and number you need
You can pay for the T shirts on the night itself and it should be priced at around $20-$30.