With smart, damien, liverpool and iwatch_ueat
This is one of those stalls that have been hotly debated in the forums. It is famous and because it is famous there are high expectations. Quite a few people who have tried it recently still hanker about its heydays and lament on how the standards have dropped.
I had to try it for myself since there is so much controversy over this. I must admit that my first impression was not good because the CKT was not very attractive to look at. All the ingredients were of the same brown colour and even the cockles were not bright red in colour.
But hey, it actually tasted quite good. I would say better then your unknown neighbourhood food centre CKT. The Kway Teow was quite lively and coated with a savoury sweet sauce which I quite like. 4/5
I imagine it must have been really shiok in the past. But even now it’s still quite an enjoyable plate of CKT, though not enjoyable enough for me to go all the way down to Hong Lim for a plate.