
Hougang Six Mile Muah Chee: Ultimate Muah Chee!


When I asked Mr Teo, the Muah Chee man who is still making his dish by hand to take part in the Ultimate Hawker Fest, he told me that he will get back to me on it. I hadn’t heard from him after a month, so I thought that he wasn’t too keen to take part in the festival.

For most of the hawkers, taking part in the festival means that they have to close their stall for a day and that means the loss of one day’s income which is a lot to ask. All of the hawkers that are participating in the event are doing it for charity. Some of them are not only donating their time, they are also paying for all the raw ingredients! Others are reimbursed for the raw ingredients only.

I always remember the biblical story of the poor old lady who gave 2 copper coins. Compared to the rich pharisees who gave sack loads of money, we are told that Jesus commended the old lady because she had given out of the little that she had. I feel a sense of gratitude and pride for out hawkers who are giving what they can to support our Charity event.

Anyway, back to Mr Teo.

He finally called me 2 weeks before the event and apologized that he had not gotten back to me because he had been hospitalized for 2 weeks with jaundice, so he wasn’t sure if he could make it to the event! The good news is that now he has recovered and will be making his famous Muah Chee at the Ultimate Hawker Fest!

Just what is he going to do to make his Muah Chee worth $5? Well, this one is a secret, but he is going to add some extra ingredients to the ground peanuts! We’ll just have to wait to experience it at the Ultimate Hawker Fest this Saturday! See you there!

To buy tickets to the Ultimate Hawker Fest, please visit

Venue: Millenia Walk
Date: 20 Oct 2012
Time: 5pm to 10pm

Tickets now on sale at Millenia Walk and will also be on sale on the day of the festival

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