
Hai Nan Xing Zhou Beef Noodles: Damien’s Favourite Beef Noodles!

Beef Kway Teow Dry $4

According to Damien, this stall sells the BEST beef kway teow in Singapore. Better than all the rest. So we had to make our pilgrimage down to Toa Payoh to try it. The stall is supposed to be opened till 7pm, so we thought that 2.30pm should be quite a safe time to visit. Lo and Behold, there was a queue of some 20 something people lining up for the Beef Kway Teow! It so happens that the day we went there was exactly the day after Channel 8 featured the stall. So by the time we got to the front of the queue, they were already sold out on the gravy for the dry version!

I wasn’t going to give up so easily, so I made a return visit the following week just to try the dry Beef Kway Teow. This time I got what I wanted. Or did I?

I was undoubtedly impressed with the stewed beef tendons which were so soft it explodes in your mouth, coating your buccal cavity with its soft and gooey goodness. The beef slices were tender but the beef balls were outsourced, so they were not that special. The sauce itself was good, but maybe my expectations were too high, it did not have that oomph if you ask me. However, one lady who was a regular at the stall confirmed that the gravy that day tasted a bit watered down. I suspect that it could be due to the higher volume sold during the past week. But for now it rates a 4.25/5. Damien and other regulars of this stall might beg to differ.

The beef soup on the other hand was wonderfully robust and sweet and definitely one of the best I have tasted. 4.5/5

This Hainanese man has been selling Hainanese Style Beef Kway Teow for over 40 years. He is still remembered as the Beef Kway Teow stall from Cuppage Centre. When I asked where he learned his recipe from, he simply said that he derived it through experimentation.


Another Beef Kway Teow to add onto the Top Beef Kway Teow list! Definitely one of the better ones around which I am sure many fans will write in to support.

Hai Nan Xing Zhou Beef Noodles

Blk 22 Lor 7 Toa Payoh #01-06
Singapore 310019
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Opening hours:

8:30 AM to 3:30 PM



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