
Good Friday: We call Him Saviour

It’s interesting. When you google the word Saviour, almost all the hits refer to Jesus Christ. I guess it just sums up who He is. He is the Saviour.

But just what did he save us from?

Well, most Christians will tell you that He was sent to save us from our sins. That is indeed true and when he died on the Cross on Good Friday, He paid the penalty of our sins so that we can be pardoned for all the wrongdoings that we have ever done in our lives. We call Him “Saviour” because we know that not only did he die on Good Friday, but he came back to life again on Sunday and thus paved the way for us to be right with God.

But it is interesting to note that he was known as the “Saviour” even before he died on the Cross. It is recorded in the Bible that when they saw him on the Cross, they scoffed at him:

“He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! He’s the King of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him.

Even before his death, he was going around healing the sick, freeing those who were oppressed and administering wholeness into people’s life. The people knew that when they got to meet him, their lives would be touched and changed for the better. So for the Jews at that time, the Saviour doesn’t refer to someone saving them from their sins, but to someone who saves them from their circumstances.

This is perhaps not so apparent to someone who is not a Christian. A lot of the time, we Christians focus the message on being saved from our sins, but we actually forget to tell others about the practical benefits that salvation brings. To put it very simply, we tell our friends that to believe in Jesus is to be able to go to heaven after we die, but we forget to emphasize that Salvation actually starts right here and now.

The original text of the Bible was written in Greek. And in the Greek, the word “Salvation” is translated from the Greek word Sozo. The Greeks understood Sozo to be more than just eternal life in heaven. Sozo refers to wholeness in mind, body and spirit. So, the understanding is that we are saved from our sins, saved from poverty, saved from depression, loneliness, anxiety and fear.

Before my aunt became a Christian, she was so tortured with depression that her life was a real mess. Jesus saved her from her depression and gave her peace. I myself have also gone through some valleys. There was a time when I was trying to carve out a career in the pharmaceutical industry but was suddenly asked to leave because of restructuring. Jesus was with me through the struggle and He guided me to a new direction in my life. The fact that I am writing this post today is solely by the grace of God.

Life is not easy especially in this economic climate. In my medical practice, I know that a lot of people are struggling with stress and anxiety over an uncertain future. But the Good News is that there is a Saviour and His name is Jesus. He said:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matt: 11:28

If you are in a situation and it seems that there is no way out, take heart, there might not seem to be a way out, but God can make a way. He would part the Red Sea for you if you are willing to believe.

There are lots of events happening throughout the Easter weekend. Today (Good Friday) we have a gathering at Mandarin Gardens at 10am and you are very much welcome to join us. The details are here.

Over the next three nights, the German Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke will be speaking at the Indoor Stadium at 7.30pm. I still remember attending his meeting at the National Stadium when I was still a teenager. I experienced God in a very special way that night which changed the course of my life. More information can be found at

On Sunday, my church, St John’s St Margaret’s at Dover Avenue (right opposite Singapore Polytechnic) is having the Easter Sunday service at 10am. May I invite you to join us if you are looking for a Church to go to on Easter Sunday.

As I am writing this post, I am very aware that it is not written to everyone. I know that many readers live very happy and well adjusted lives. If that is the case then that’s really good. But if you are the one who is finding that life is a struggle, then I hope that you will look up at the Cross this Good Friday and see the face of the Saviour. He died so that you might have a chance to live life in abundance.

Have a Blessed Easter everyone.

If you have any questions or wish to know more about Jesus, please email me at [email protected].

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Hihi Dr Tay, I first saw you in the above mentioned website.. I always go online to watch , read, recipes.. thank you for your precision and explaination of the steps and uses of ingredients.. it is fantastic. I also watch you in lost and found ..but just a few minutes.. as I’ve no extra time to go further. I have intentions to read a Bible but do not know which one to buy. Can you advise? Thank you in advance!

Thank you , Dr Tay!

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