
Good Friday Makan Session: Earthquake and Tsunami, when is the next big one?

Each year, a few families in the ieat committee will organize a special makan session on Good Friday to celebrate the life and death of Jesus. This is the most special day for Christians, even more significant than Christmas. Personally, it is a time for me to reflect on life, the universe and how events happening around the world fits into the big scheme of things.

This year, the over riding theme has been the great Japan Earthquake and Tsunami that has caused so much devastation and damage. At times like these, I can’t help but face the difficult questions of life like “Why does God allow such suffering in this world?” We all have our ways of tackling this question of course, depending on the way we see things in life and I know that a lot of people have been doing their bit to help. Our ieat community has tried to do our part in helping the Japanese people rebuild their lives by raising some funds through our durian degustation and I have written a few posts to help encourage people to continue to support the Japanese people by eating more Japanese food.

At this informal gathering, I will be sharing some of the thoughts that have gone through my mind as I ponder on the Earthquake, Tsunami, Radiation and Food safety issues and how I make sense of the whole thing. I invite you to come join us for a morning of fellowship and food and please feel free to bring your friends and family along!

Here are the details:

Venue: Chinese Swimming Club, 21 Amber Road, Level 3, Multipurpose Hall
Time: 9.30am – 1pm (including Buffet lunch)

To register, please write to Shirley, [email protected] or call her at 97946034

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