
The Forum is Now Opened to Guests!

There have been a number of readers who suggested that the forum be opened for guests to view instead of restricting viewing to registered members only. Since this appears to be an issue that quite a number of readers are concerned about, we had a discussion set up in the forum to hear from the different points of view.

Actually the fact is that my intention from the start was to let guests view and only members to comment as this will reduce the amount of spam in the forum. However, the program had only one option in the settings page and that was to either allow guests to view or not. So I set it so that both guests and members had to log in, in order to reduce the possibility of spamming.

Initially, we thought it was a good idea that only members can view and I subsequently forgot about why the forum was set up like this in the first place. However, with the number of readers requesting that the forum be open to public, I had to look into the program a little closer again to try to figure out how if the program can be set up so that all can view but only registered members can comment. Please understand that this is my first time running a forum and using Proboards, so I am quite a novice at this!

I am glad to report that I eventually figured it out and now the Forum is opened for everyone to view!

Thanks again to everyone who have written in to comment on this issue.

If there are anymore feedback please do write in and let me know.

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