
Send an ePostcard!


When do you all send postcards? I only ever buy postcards when I am overseas and send them back to my friends and relatives in Singapore. I have never thought of buying a Singapore postcard and sending them to my overseas friends. So for me, Postcards are sort of a thing you only really think about when you are on holidays. Conversely, how many of us ever receive postcards from overseas friends that have pictures of the country they live in? Yeah, me neither.

So I thought it was brilliant for the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) to come up with the idea of Singapore ePostcards that you can send to your overseas friends. If you think about it, it does make a lot of sense, especially friends who have never been to Singapore. It’s a way of keeping in touch and at the same time providing them some impetus to come visit you.

Perhaps you already know about Project Postcard, which I guess is the STB’s way of getting us Singaporeans to become “Salespersons” for Singapore. The idea is quite simple, go online, personalize your own Avatar, pick a familiar Singapore backdrop and send the ecard off to your overseas friends.

The website is quite well designed and I found the user interface quite intuitive. So within 5 minutes I managed to design my first ePostcard:

It’s too bad they don’t provide a backdrop with Hokkien Mee or any of our Singaporean Hawker food. I think a picture of some luscious Hokkien Mee or voluptuous Chicken Rice would certainly be a real draw for some people!

Anyway, to make it even more enticing for our friends to come to Singapore, each ePostcard you send gives them the chance to win return Air tickets, hotel stay and lots of other freebies! And just in case you are wondering why you should do all the work and someone else gets all the goodies (yeah I thought of that too), don’t worry, you also stand the chance to win free hotel stay and freebies like spa treatments and shopping vouchers.

So send an ePostcard today! It’s a great way to catch up with your friends, win some prizes and at the same time to do your part to sell Singapore to the world!

Click HERE to start sending your ePostcards.

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