
Eleven Fingers Curry Rice: Extra Thumb, Extra Taste!

Braised Pork

If I were to open an Economical Rice Stall, I would open one that sells Hainanese Curry Rice. The reason is simple. With Hainanese Curry Rice, you only really need six dishes. A good Chicken Curry, Braised Pork, Chap Chye……. Ok, you only need three dishes. The rest can be side dishes which really don’t need a lot of skill, like fried luncheon meat and eggs. Of course, having crispy fried pork would be another bonus but as long as you have the Hainanese trinity of dishes, you should be ok.

Our peculiar way of eating Hainanese Curry Rice might be a challenge for some foreigners. I mean, Curry mixed with Black Braising Sauce mixed with gooey stewed cabbage doesn’t sound particularly appetizing does it? It’s no wonder that Hainanese Curry Rice has never made it to the Tourism Board’s list of things to eat in Singapore. It just takes too much effort to convince a tourist that it is a serious dish rather than a prank to poke some fun at an unsuspecting foreigner.

Chap Chye doused with Chicken Curry

But for Singaporeans, the unlikely combination is just heavenly. Somehow it works and it works at a level that really produces a Umami Bomb. I feel it everytime I eat Hainanese Rice. It is one of those dishes that really satisfies when you have just finished that 20km roadmarch.

This particular stall was recommended by SCS Butter, a man whose passion for food is as evident as the nose in front of your face. So everytime SCS Butter says something is good, my radar usually will zero in on the eatery. He is the same guy who recommended the Her Giao at Lau Sim, Northen Thai Tom Yum Fish Soup and Middle Road Pork Ribs Noodles which I am sure you all will agree are great finds.

Anyway, the dishes here, taken individually are a 4/5 at most. But when you combine the three together, it becomes a 4.25/5. I might have given them a higher mark if they had the crispy pork which is what makes the No Name Curry Rice at Beo Crescent my current favourite Hainanese Curry Rice.


If you are near the National Library and really hungry, this is a great place to satisfy that hunger with some really unattractive but extremely tasty grub.

Eleven Fingers Curry Rice

Blk 269B, #01-235 Queen St Singapore 180269

Opening hours:

Alternate Fridays

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