
Singapore’s Top 10 Most Popular Hawker Dishes!


The results are in! A total of 9479 people have cast their votes over the last 2 weeks to pick Singapore’s top 10 Hawker Dishes!

I hereby present to you the Singapore Top 10 Hawker Dishes

1. Chicken Rice 1228
2. Hokkien Mee 966
3. Char Kway Teow 853
4. Carrot Cake 809
5. Laksa 794
6. Bak Chor Mee/Mee Pok Tar 740
7. Wanton Mee 672
8. Prawn Mee 646
9. Oyster Omelette 340
10. Prata 324

Here are the next 10 Hawker dishes

11. Nasi Lemak 321
12. Bak Kut Teh 313
13. Satay 295
14. Kway Chap 277
15. Fish Soup 188
16. Roasted Meats 170
17. Yong Tau Foo 163
18. Teochew Porridge 99
19. Nasi Padang 89
20. Beef Kway Teow

Back in 2007 when we conducted the same poll, Hokkien Mee was Singapore’s favourite dish with Chicken Rice in 2nd place. In our latest poll, they have switched positions with Chicken Rice emerging as Singapore’s most popular dish! Satay and Fish Soup have dropped out of the top 10 and have been replaced by Laksa and Prawn Mee. Bak Chor Mee which used to be in 3rd position has dropped to 6th place. The biggest gains was made by Laksa which wasn’t even in the top 10 but came in very strongly in this poll at 5th position.

This time round we had a bigger pool of voters, 9479 compared to 3898 in our last poll. Also the nomination process was a little different. In our last study, the top 10 was distilled from comments by 153 readers and then put to the vote. This time round, the top 20 was picked from a list of popular hawker dishes and readers were given the option to add in their own favourite dish if it wasn’t in the list. Notwithstanding these study limitations, I think that the results give a very clear indication of what our most beloved hawker dishes are!

Click here to see our poll in 2007

Many thanks to all who have participated in the polls!

Click here to find out the best places to eat these dishes!


Click here for the 2014 poll results

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