
Alex’s Eating House: We were there, Alex was not

With Cactuskit and Holybro

Alex Eating House has been on my To-Do list since I started the blog but somehow I never really got round to blogging them until recently. My guess is that if you ask any foodie where is the best Char Siew in Singapore, quite a few of them will mention this place.

Unfortunately, as with a lot of other eateries in Singapore, the owner has now trained a whole troupe of foreign workers to look after the shop while he takes time to smell the roses, so I was unable to get any background story from them. I don’t know about you, but somehow when I see a stall being operated by foreigners, my expectations always drop a notch. I just don’t feel that someone who didn’t grow up eating a particular dish can ever reproduce the dish up to a certain standard. Of course, that might not be the case with Char Siew, since it is all prepared beforehand, but with something like Hokkien Mee, that might be significant. Do you all feel the same way?

Alex Eating House has always been well known for their Char Siew and it is quite good here although by around 2pm, it was a little dry. However, the sauce is very good and definitely one of the better ones around. 4.25/5 The Sio Bak was ok, but again by 2pm, the skin was not as crispy, though the meat was still quite flavourful. 4/5


I am sure there are many fans of this restaurant who come here often, just like Cactuskit when he was working around this area. For me however, the Char Siew was not compelling enough for me to make the trip back there since there are other stalls which are more accessible.

Alex’s Eating House

87 Beach Road #01-01 Chye Sing Building Singapore 189695

Opening hours:


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