
The Recent Comments Feature

My sincere thanks to everyone who has commented in this blog. I get very encouraged by all your comments, whether positive or negative.

You probably have noticed by now that there is a new feature on the right hand side of the blog called Recent Comments. I added this feature because I realised that in the past, only I knew who has been commenting on my blog! But now, with the help of this feature, whenever you make a comment, anyone who is reading the blog will know!

The Comments Feature is important because it gives other readers a more balanced review of the featured food. As they say, taste is very subjective, so by giving your comments, you are adding to the strength of the review.

I know for a fact that there are many unknown makan experts out there, having met many during my last 3 months of blogging. If you are a reader of ieatishootipost, may I encourage you to give your comments under a pen name. After a while, people will begin to associate your pen name with the strength of your reviews. In this way you can use the blog as your own platform to share with others your makan knowledge! I certainly won’t mind seeing our very own version of a Simon Cowell on the blog!!

The other wonderful thing about the recent comments feature is that it resurrects some of the older blogs for discussion. This is good for newer readers who might have missed some of the really good early stuff!

I have left the comments opened to everyone because I feel that by restricting it to registered users will stifle free speech. You are most welcomed to give your honest opinion on the food! The only comments I will delete are those which are irrelevant or uses too many expletives. This IS a G Rated blog afterall!

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