
Restaurant A380 @Changi – dine only, no flying

When I first got the invite to dine at Restaurant A380, I thought it was just a gimmick. But then Lisa said that it is probably a once in a lifetime experience since it is highly unlikely that we will experience another pandemic like Covid 19 in our lifetimes.  So we went…
And I am so glad we did.

Surreal Experience

Although everything was familiar, it was still a very surreal experience.  It was good to see the SQ staff and crew in their element again.  It was good to hear the applause when the crew came marching in.  It was good to hear the familiar announcement over the intercom.  It was good to feel like you were traveling again.  Most of all, it was good to hear the crew happy and cheerful.  I am sure most of them are facing a very difficult time and it is good that they know that they have lots of Singapore cheering them on.

by @Feieats (Lisa)

Pre-Dinner Activities

There was almost a celebratory mood in the waiting lounge where Singapore Airlines lined up a range of activities you could do while waiting for your tour of the A380 aircraft.    With light jazz playing in the background, you could get a temporary tattoo, pick up a batik rose, made with the same fabric as the SQ sarong kebaya that was individually folded by the cabin crew and ground staff volunteers or take a photo with two poised and beautiful stewardess.  The most popular activity was getting your caricature drawn as one of the cabin crew or pilot.

Tour of the A380 Aircraft

The highlight of the A380 tour was of course getting a glimpse of the First Class Suites.  It does leave you thinking that maybe one day, you would want to experience flying in such extravagant style, perhaps just that one time.  I was told that they have contemplated having shower facilities on board but decided against it when only 50% of passengers surveyed showed interest.   The ladies, in particular, did not want to be restricted to a half hour slot with limited water supply to work with.

The cockpit tour was just a quick one minute visit to be awed by the number of controls and dials the pilots have to manage and it was interesting to see the capsule-like sleeping quarters for the pilots, located just behind the cockpit . We didn’t get to see the sleeping quarters of the cabin crew but I can imagine it to be tight but decent.  Sleep is mandatory for all crew on long haul flights as a safety measure.

Dinner Menu

The dinner sets start at $53.50 for a 3-course meal in Economy class or $96.30 in Premium Economy.  You get a choice of an international selection or Peranakan menu specially designed by acclaimed Singapore chef Shermay Lee.

We had their Business Class international selection menu ($321) which started with their signature satay, followed by smoked salmon, main course of Prawns & Scallop Broth or Chilean Bass with miso and finished with a baked cheesecake, cheese platter and fruits.  As with all SQ dining experience, you get to choose from a selection of wines and free flow of other beverages with your dinner.   Pre-dinner drinks was a choice of the Singapore Sling or a refreshing citrusy mocktail.

The Suite Menu is an 8-course meal costing $642 including items like Lobster Thermidor and Beef Tenderloin.

To complete the experience, I watched a whole movie over dinner!


Singapore Airlines has done a good job showcasing the SQ service experience.

We are proud of our national carrier.  We are sure they will be able to ride out the current turbulence and soar again in clear blue skies!  Jia you SQ!


Restaurant A380 @Changi


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