
Mei Xin Minced Meat Noodles: How do ST reporters find these places?

Bak Chor Mee $2.50

I found this review by Teo Pau Lin not long ago about this Bak Chor Mee “in the boondocks” and what struck me most was how in the world do these Straits Times reporters find this sort of places. I mean, the Food Centre is smack in the middle of nowhere in Loyang Industrial area and Loyang itself is smack in the outskirts of Singapore. So how did Ms Teo even find this place? Even if her friend had given her the tip, what in the world would possess her to make a trip to the middle of nowhere to eat and review a bowl of Bak Chor Mee? And when she was writing it, did she really think that Singaproeans would be crazy enough to make a trip to the middle of nowhere to eat this Bak Chor Mee?

So I decided to find out direct from the horse’s mouth and called up Ms Teo’s secretary to arrange an appointment for an interview….. no lah, Ms Teo doesn’t really have a secretary. The answer was sublime… tell you about it later.

This is one hearty bowl of Bak Chor Mee. I guess “being in the boondocks” they have to cater for men with big appetites. So each bowl not only has a generous mound of noodles, it is also chock full of minced meat, sliced pork and sliced fish cake.

The noodles are also the eggy thin Mee Pok type which is my favourite. I like the way it has a firm bite but still gives you that nice “serrated” feel when you slurp it. You need to take this mee pok with the chilli sauce because the non-chilli version only has vinegar and soy sauce. The soup was tasty but not as robust as some of the others in this blog. 4.25/5

The Keow is made with a fish paste filling which is quite tasty but one is never enough. You can get an extra bowl of 6 Keows for $1. It’s too bad I got there after the lunch crowd. I think they would have tasted even better fresh.

The other little surprise that I found was their Lor Mee which was actually quite good! The sauce is not overly thickened and it has a sweet, flowery fragrance to it. Again the portions are rather generous for $2.50. The ngor hiang was ok but the lor bak was quite tasty. 4/5

Ah yes, back to our little mystery of how our intrepid ST reporter traveled to the boondocks to eat a bowl of Bak Chor Mee. Her “friend” was non other than the man to whom she is married to now. He works in the area and told her about the noodles. Ha! So Ms Teo went to review food and at the same time had a tryst with her boyfriend!! (Last statement is only my imagination yah?)


Good hearty bowl of Bak Chor Mee. But how many would be game enough to travel all the way there to try it, I wonder?

Mei Xin Minced Meat Prawn Noodle

NTL Eating House, 64 Loyang Way

Opening hours:

Mon to Fri: 6:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Saturday: 6:00 AM to 11:30 PM



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